Monday, October 24, 2011

Current Chem II'ers

Read the previous post and answer the two questions. What part of your senior year are you excited for? And What makes you nervous?


  1. I wish I would have taken advantage of the early college classes. I shouldn't have dropped out of kctc, now I'm just going to have to pay extra in college. I'm excited for all the senior events, and to graduate, of course! The senior trip at the end of the year is going to be fun. I'm nervous to leave all the people I've known my whole life. Kelloggsville is a small school compared to most, and college is going to be even bigger. What makes me most nervous is not understanding the college work. :P

  2. There was many classes that I wanted to take throughout my high school year, unfounately, I didn't get to take them all. However, I am content with all the classes I have taken (:

  3. ^ Similar with what Jie and Mariah stated above, there are many classes I wanted to take but couldn't.I am exited for....... the get -together with all the seniors and finally be done[!] with high school. I'm nervous for college and what're ahead after high school.

  4. I am excited for the senior all nighter, graduation, the senior academy awards thing, NOT taking semester exams, aftershave, and all of the other fun senior events! (: I am nervous about all of these scholarshiips app. There are so many and some are alot of work! And i am running out of time. I am also nervous for graduation because it will be sad to leave the high school and all of my friends, but I hope to come back and stay in touch with all of my highs chool friends and senior friends! alsooooooo i always wanted to take art but i never had any time..yahhhh! (:

  5. I am excited for my senior year to end... I am going to miss some of my senior friends but hopefully we stay in touch. I am nervous about college applications and scholarship applications. There is a lot to do in so little time and I feel that I am not really ready for college. I really wish that i had done a lot more things to be involved in school but I can't do to much now. I wanted to take art but I never signed up for it... I am nervous for what college will be like but hopefully i get through it...

  6. I am exited to for the end of the year. I am also exited to finally graduate. I am nervous about my grades, college, and scholarships.

  7. I am excited for the fact that its finally our last year and were graduating next year :)
    One thing im concerned of is that i dont want to procrastinate half way thru the year and my grades will decrease.

  8. I am excited to finally graduate and move on to the next chapter in my life and start growing up.I'm nervous for all the hard tests coming up, i am definitely not looking forward to that.

  9. I'm excited to graduate. I want to end high school with a really good GPA and to leave without any regrets. So far i don't think there is anything that i wish i would've done earlier in the year like early college classes like kctc. I want to enjoy my last year of high school, not spend it at kctc so im glad i dropped it. The senior trip is something to look forward to also. :D

  10. I am excited to graduate and for the senior all nighter. However, I am nervous about my grades this year.

  11. I am really excited to graduate and go to the senior all-nighter. It sounds extremely fun, and hanging out with my classmates for one last time will be nice. ( Nice because we can hangout, not nice that its our last time..)
    Visiting colleges make me really nervous. I leave for Iowa in two weeks to visit Grand View University. I have already been accepted, and the bowling coach loves me, but if I don't fall in love with the school I have to start the process all over again. I am not sure what my back up plan will be if I don't like Grand View. So, lets hope its a great school and that I fall in love with it, because I am tired of being nervous about it.
