Monday, April 30, 2012

Former Chem II thoughts!

Former Chem II students, you just finished your 1st, or 2nd year of College.  What are your thoughts?  Share them so those closing in quickly on their graduation can hear it 'straight from the horse's mouth'.


  1. It definitely isn't easy, the real world can hit you hard. I was probably the worst case scenario with my car accident and several other unfortunate events occurring within a month of each other. And moving out away from your house can be scary at first. But as the year progresses you make new friends and maybe even keep in touch with old friends. A word of caution for those of you who do not need to study in high school. You WILL NEED to study in college, so start practicing good study habits now. Besides that, college is really fun and exciting, and if you time manage well you will have a lot more free time than you did in high school. Good luck to all, it may seem like a struggle at first, but you'll adapt eventually. Finish the year strong class of 2012!

  2. College has its ups and downs just like anything. I did have to study a lot for my classes to get the grades I wanted, but I prioritized my time and I only felt stressed when I procrastinated. Also, teachers are very aware of your behavior. To be honest, I almost never went to my English professor's office hours last semester, but I was very active during class time, so one day when I had an issue with an assignment, he was very nice about it, because he knew I wasn't slacking during the class period.

    For me, it really helped me to get involved in other things outside of the classroom. I was active in a learning community, club, and a volunteering organization. Not to say that I did it nonstop every day. I had plenty of down time, but it's important to be pleasantly busy, otherwise, it's really easy to put your work off. Plus, my other engagements kept me energized and excited. Your mental health goes a long way to making a successful year.

    I was a bit frightened to be going to a big, new school, but it's not that bad. If you're struggling, there is always plenty of help you can ask for, so don't be afraid to use it. Just work hard and get involved in things you enjoy. There are so many opportunities in college you might not have later in life, so don't take them for granted I suppose.

  3. The second year in college is easier than the first. Freshman year is full of unknowns and you spend most of your time learning how each professor leads class and writes tests. Once you understand the different styles of your professors classes get much easier. I'm blessed to be in a school of around 250 so I get a lot of one-on-one with my professors, one of my classes only has two people and they never go about thirty. Also, my professors are very approachable and helpful. I realize this isn't true for every college, especially after comparing with Jasmina and Haley. ;) One of the most important things I can stress is that college isn't just about classes, yes you should get your work done, and yes you will need to study, but keep in mind that you are also there for the experience. College is an incredible time for finding yourself, meeting people, and taking opportunities you won't be given again.
    Also, rooming with someone you don't know can be fun! I have friends who weren't crazy about their roomies, but mine is perfect for me! When you fill out the form that describes the kind of roommate you want, be honest. Living with new people helps you to branch out and learn from people with different backgrounds than you.
    College is scary, but it's like nothing else you'll ever do. Like Merranda said, get involved! The less you have to do, the easier it is to procrastinate.
    One last thing, remember going to college is a blessing. So many people don't realize that not everyone gets to go, we are a small percentage of the world where college is normal and expected. Keep in mind those who cannot do what you are while doing your schoolwork. Take your assignments seriously and try to do your best on each one. If you are only using half of your potential, you are wasting half of your tuition money.
    I'm excited for all of you and what you will experience! Sorry for my rambling...
    Love, Whitney :)

  4. College is completely different from high school, so don't expect it to be any easier. When I first started my freshman year at GVSU, I was thinking to myself college should not be that much harder than high school. It will probably be just a little bit more challenging. I was wrong. In college, you really earn what you give out toward the courses you're taking. If you want to pass your classes with high B or an A, you really have to work for it and give out your best effort. I worked EXTREMELY hard for the grades I wanted. Everything you learned in high school throughout one school year will be taught within one semester in college. Lots of study outside of class and materials you learn in each lecture. Attendance is not required by some professors, however, you should not skip classes. Skipping classes is the same thing as hurting your grades, because you will miss out a lot when you miss out the lecture.

    If you are struggling when you are in college, there are a lot of resources on campus for you to go to to get help, such as go to your professors during their office hours, tutoring center, student center, counselors, etc. Those resources are there to help you and you know you're paying for them with your tuition, so make sure you utilize them whenever you need help.

    Also, make college a great experience for you by joining different organizations. As for me, I became a Greek by joining Delta Phi Lambda Sorority Inc., and I would say my college experience would be boring without joining it. Not only joining organizations will help you expand your connection and build relationship with people on campus along with benefiting the community, it will also help you in the future when it comes to internship and resume, and many other benefits. However, don't let it distract you from doing well in college because the main reason you're there is for school.

    So STUDY HARD, be prepared, and make college an enjoyable experience! :)

    - Quyen -
