Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Read and Respond!!

A huge part of science is the issue of ethics in science.  Read the following article and comment about the bioethics of the topic.  Is it morally acceptable to have this technology.  Feel free to begin a debate on this topic.  With that in mind keep comments appropriate, intellectual, and do not take return comments personal.

3D printer spits out human embryonic stem cells

Published February 06, 2013
| LiveScience
Imagine if you could take living cells, load them into a printer, and squirt out a 3D tissue that could develop into a kidney or a heart. Scientists are one step closer to that reality, now that they have developed the first printer for embryonic human stem cells.

In a new study, researchers from the University of Edinburgh have created a cell printer that spits out living embryonic stem cells. The printer was capable of printing uniform-size droplets of cells gently enough to keep the cells alive and maintain their ability to develop into different cell types. The new printing method could be used to make 3D human tissues for testing new drugs, grow organs, or ultimately print cells directly inside the body.

Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) are obtained from human embryos and can develop into any cell type in an adult person, from brain tissue to muscle to bone. This attribute makes them ideal for use in regenerative medicine — repairing, replacing and regenerating damaged cells, tissues or organs. [Stem Cells: 5 Fascinating Findings]

In a lab dish, hESCs can be placed in a solution that contains the biological cues that tell the cells to develop into specific tissue types, a process called differentiation. The process starts with the cells forming what are called "embryoid bodies." 

Cell printers offer a means of producing embryoid bodies of a defined size and shape.

In the new study, the cell printer was made from a modified CNC machine (a computer-controlled machining tool) outfitted with two "bio-ink" dispensers: one containing stem cells in a nutrient-rich soup called cell medium and another containing just the medium. These embryonic stem cells were dispensed through computer-operated valves, while a microscope mounted to the printer provided a close-up view of what was being printed.

The two inks were dispensed in layers, one on top of the other to create cell droplets of varying concentration. The smallest droplets were only two nanoliters, containing roughly five cells.

The cells were printed onto a dish containing many small wells. The dish was then flipped over so the droplets now hung from them, allowing the stem cells to form clumps inside each well. (The printer lays down the cells in precisely sized droplets and in a certain pattern that is optimal for differentiation.)

Tests revealed that more than 95 percent of the cells were still alive 24 hours after being printed, suggesting they had not been killed by the printing process. More than 89 percent of the cells were still alive three days later, and also tested positive for a marker of their pluripotency — their potential to develop into different cell types.

Biomedical engineer Utkan Demirci, of Harvard University Medical School and Brigham and Women's Hospital, has done pioneering work in printing cells, and thinks the new study is taking it in an exciting direction. "This technology could be really good for high-throughput drug testing," Demirci told LiveScience. One can build mini-tissues from the bottom up, using a repeatable, reliable method, he said. Building whole organs is the long-term goal, Demirci said, though he cautioned that it "may be quite far from where we are today."

Others have created printers for other types of cells. Demirci and colleagues made one that printed embryonic stem cells from mice. Others have printed a kind of human stem cells from connective tissues, which aren't able to develop into as many cell types as embryonic stem cells. The current study is the first to print embryonic stem cells from humans, researchers report in the Feb. 5 issue of the journal Biofabrication.

Copyright 2013 LiveScience, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


  1. Many scientific researches and experiments cause controversy due to the fact that some are not ethically correct. This specific study has potential to be benificial in the future but morals come to play. Although creating organs and tissue from hESC can help many people, many people in the public find this morally wrong and ethically wrong as it goes against their religious beliefs. Some view the use of hESC wrong because it destroys the human embryo to save the life of others.

  2. It is incredibly interesting what scientists develop these days. They continue to amaze me with all their fancy-shmancy technology. I do not think it is morally wrong to have equipment that can test drugs or create a body organ. If it may save a life, why not? It mentioned that "more than 95 percent of the cells were still alive 24 hours after being printed..." Knowing they were not killed in the process, this phenomenal piece of technology can be very beneficial when it comes to research & testing. It is a little weird to think a PRINTER can do this. However, I agree with Mr. Demirci when he says he believes this printer will be a success for scientists.

  3. Science continues to amaze me. To think that they would actually be able to print out organs. I can see why some people would say that this is morally wrong, but we have to remember that embryos are not humans. At least, not yet. To be able to print out organs to save the life of an actual human being who is loved by their family and friends is simply amazing. I knew about cloning human organs, but printing them? And make it so they actually work? I never thought that I would see the day. I wonder who came up with the idea to use embryonic cells and try to print them.

  4. I personally don't see much of a problem with this. Science always seems to have problems with the methods or the experiments being morally wrong. To be able to print out stem cells and turn them into organs would benifit humanity. Many people are on a waiting list for years, possibly mire than a decade. A majority of the embryo also survived so I don't see a down side to this.

  5. First of all, I'd like to say that I found this to be very interesting. I can't believe that scientists keep discovering new ways to help people. I feel like there will always be people who find any scientific discovery to be morally wrong, whether it is because of their religion or their opinions. I, personally, do not think that it is morally wrong to use hESCs to create cell types, from brain tissue to muscle to bone. We have to realize that this can can help many people who are in need of some kind of transplant or need more tissue(s). Sometimes we just need to put aside our beliefs and/or ignorance to try to understand what positive outcomes discoveries, such as this one, can bring.

  6. I hink printing cells would be cool and a step in saving lives but they should not use hESCs. The scientists that found this made a discovery but embryonic cells should not be used. I do think it is really new and different that a print can print out an organ though.

  7. I personally found this article to be rather intriguing, for scientists continue to reveal new ways to help others in need. I do not think this is morally or ethically wrong, however, I am positive that there are people who do because of differing opinions and religions. This type of advancement in technology is capable of saving numerous lives, for the waiting list for an organ or tissue could immensely decrease, which allows even more people to be helped. Using hESCs to create cell types is rather creative if you ask me. It is hard to believe that a printer can actually print organs. If it can help save lives, then I say why not use it??

  8. This article was very fascinating to read! It captured my attention right from the start, because who knew cells could be produced by a printer? This advancement in technology could be very helpful in the future. If we learned how to do this in mass quantity people waiting for transplants could be helped sooner from this printer. With this article will come controversy because people might think it is wrong to use technology in this was. The people saying this might be the ones using it later. If this can help save lives then let's try and use it as much as possible. I'm still amazed that cells can be printed :)

  9. Oh these scientists are such geeks. Donate some knowledge please.
    It is amazing how quick technology is advancing. This could help out those who are terminally in need and on the wait list for possibly a heart or any organ. Unfortunately, world peace does not exist. Everyone has their own strong belief and will argue against something that could possibly save the world. Therefore, the process of obtaining hESCs from human embryos may seem unacceptable and against religious beliefs. Some may say that it is unethical due to the "human embryo" being a living person even if it has not been fully develop. In my opinion, I believe it is morally acceptable because this idea/invention could cure multiple medical problems.
    Maybe after this we will find a path to world peace.

  10. Technology that would allow scientists to potentially create organs would be very beneficial to society. I think that since it can hopefully help people who needs organ transplants, it is ethical enough for today's society. Others say that it is unethical because you are interfering with the way of natural life. Although, I believe if it could been all mankind, then the printing method using stem cells should be used. People are very particular about their beliefs/religions, but isn't the main idea of some religions to help others. So in conclusion, I believe that 3D tissue samples created from stem cells are moral.

  11. I feel that 3D printers like this would be very beneficial when dealing with the Health field, Making organs and prosthetics etc. So that would cause it to be ethical in the way the world works today. Others believe that this is interfering with the natural process of things which causes it to be unethical. I believe that using stem cells to help further technology is appropriate because someone you know could be affected by a disease that the cure has not been found for. With these stem cells, it could expedite the way cures are found and that could potentially save someone in your life. 3D samples of stem cells are very useful, they might not be legal in some places but I find them ethical.
